This April it has been 4 years since Ed first got diagnosed and when people contact me there nearly always is the question “How is Ed doing now” So we made another little video to let you see that even so he is not totally in the clear, he has had 4 years of quality of life and hopefully much more. We still are researching and also helping many people who are contacting us. It has been intense, but such a good feeling to give other patients and their family hope. Here is the video. We are continuing to explore new avenues of healing, as cannabis oil has become just one of our healing modalities.
We have also learned that the cancer is smart and it is a good idea to reset the system by taking a break and also switching the variety of cannabis.
We know from experience how devastating the news of cancer is, especially 4 stage cancer. We were lucky as we were just told to go home with hospice and enjoy the days we had left. Please take at least a week to do some research before you let any doctor rush you into treatment options. This is your life and you get to choose how you spend the moments you have left, however many they might be. We found the journey interesting, difficult at times, but also full of sweet moments. Follow your intuition even after you started a treatment and spend as much time as you can with people who are positive and love you. Don’t let cancer occupy most of your moments.
Here is our ongoing story in a 15 min youtube video
Ed’s primary liver cancer was diagnosed April 2012, his tumor was 11cm and we were send home with Hospice and told he could expect two weeks to two month of life. His tumor had shrunk by September 2012 to 5cm, with tumor markers normal. Ed has had excellent quality of life, hiking, living a full and active life, tumor marker is staying normal and all values, which were out of range are moving towards normal.